'Brennende Waldrebe' clematis Photos
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illustration by Madeleine Lemaire of C. flammula [top], C. lanuginosa [bottom left] and C. Jackmanni [bottom right] from her book of watercolors, Les fleurs à travers les âges et à la fin du XIXe siècle, 1900; scan courtesy of the Bibiolthèque nationale de France's Gallica
Uploaded 16 JUN |
Heighleygate garden centre Northumberland UK. October 2007.
Uploaded 22 FEB 21 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "La Flore et la Pomone Français", by J. Saint-Hilaire, 1831, pl. 392
Courtesy of Hortus Camdenensis and Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 20 SEP 21 |
Clematis photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Transaction of the Horticultural Society of London", 1842, p. 242: "Observations upon the Effect of...the Frost...in England in the Winter of 1837-8"
[• indicates that a plant has been entirely killed, or so nearly so that it was not worth preserving ; Ø that it was much injured, but not killed ; o that it was uninjured, or hurt in no considerable degree.]
Courtesy of the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 28 OCT 16 |
Heighleygate garden centre, Northumberland UK. August 2009.
Uploaded 22 FEB 21 |
Clematis photo
20 July 2007 Russia Udmurtia
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