'Flore Pleno' clematis References
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 190. Includes photo(s).
Magazine (1966) Page(s) No. 164, p. 275. Clematis (hybrids)... From France. Plants presented by Andra Girault, Horticulteur-Pepinieriste, Orleans (Loiret). Received Nov. 18, 1959. ...261356. 'Purpurea Plena'.
Book (1898) Page(s) 71. Variétés Horticoles IIIe Groupe.— VITICELLA. Flore-pleno (Hort). Fleur à quatre sépales bleu cendré rougeâtre, avec de nombreux filaments pétaloïdes formant une rosette centrale.
Book (1872) Page(s) 155. C. VITICELLA PURPUREA PLENA ( Hort. ).— This belongs to the true type of C. Viticella, and is a free grower, of moderate vigour, and a profuse and con tinuous bloomer. The leaves are pinnatisect, with lance-shaped leaflets, and the blossoms, which are of dull grayish purple, are double, having a large tuft of petaloid filaments forming a rosette in the centre ; they are abundantly produced, but from their peculiar shade of colour are not very attractive.