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'Plena' clematis References
Website/Catalog  (1867)  Page(s) 20.  
Clematis florida floribus plenis ....1 Franc
Magazine  (1865)  Page(s) Vol. 16, p. 38.  
Clematis florida fl. pl. (Atragene indica) aux grandes fleurs blanches, très-doubles.
Magazine  (1865)  Page(s) Vol. 16, p. 38.  
Clematis florida fl. pl. (Atragene indica) aux grandes fleurs blanches, très-doubles.
Magazine  (Sep 1853)  Page(s) 204.  
Memoranda from Kew.
Some of the more interesting summer-flowering things are the several kinds of Clematis, a tribe of plants with which most cultivators are familiar, as few gardens are to be found that do not possess some of them. [...]
The following are the best kinds, all hardy, and easily procurable at a trifling expense:
Clematis florida, flore-pleno.  A beautiful variety, with double flowers of a creamy white, two inches and a half in diameter.
Website/Catalog  (14 Jun 1840)  Page(s) 12.  
Mr. Van Houtte, Horticulteur à Gand....
319 Clematis Florida fl. pl.
Book  (1816)  Page(s) 17.  
Classis 13. Polyandria....Ord. 6. Polygynia. Clematis var. Plena, Double flowered do. [ditto Japan clematis], Do. [Clematite de Japon] à fleurs doubles, Japan, Do. [Intro. by J.V. Thompson Esq. 1816], Reduit
Website/Catalog  (1812)  Page(s) 13.  
Clematis Florida flore pleno Double Virgin's Bower
Book  (1798)  Page(s) Vol. 3, p. 57-58, t. 357.  Includes photo(s).
Clematis foliis decompositis; foliolis binatis ternatisque; petalis ovatis. Ait. kew. vol. 2. pag. 258. Thunb. jap. pag. 258.
Anemone vel Anemonoides. Houtt. Linn. Syst. vol. 7. pag. 280. tab. 55. fig. 1.
Tota glabra & inodora est. Caulis fruticosus, teres, ramosus, calamus crassus, petiolis sebescentibus in cirros mutatis ad duodecim pedes scandens. Folia opposita, petiolata, ternata vel biternata; foliolis ovatis, acutulis, integerrimis vel uno alterove dente incisis, a dimidia ad fescunciam longis. Pedunuli uniflori, axillares, solitarii, alterni, rarius oppositi, graciles, foliis plerumque longiores, infra medium duobus foliis simplicibus minoribus ornati. Flores speciosi, albi cum fuffufo hic illic virore, apud nos semper pleni, hinc staminibus pistillisque veris deflituti & steriles. 
Crescit in Japonia. Apud nos in caldariis floret a Majo ad finem Julii. Tabula sistit ramum florentum, & feorsim florem ex alia individua planta maxime plenum.

Clematis with decomposed leaves; double and triple leaflets; petals ovate. Ait. kew Vol. 2. pag. 258. Thunb. Jap pag. 258.
Anemone or Anemonoids. Houtt. Linn. Syst. Vol. 7. pag. 280. Tab. 55. fig. 1.
It is completely smooth and odourless. A bushy stem, sharp, branched, a thick cane, with sessile petioles changed into cirrus, climbing up to twelve feet. Leaves opposite, petiolate, ternate or biternate; leaflets ovate, sharp, entire or cut with one or the other tooth, from half to the stem long. Peduncles uniflorous, axillary, solitary, alternate, rarely opposite, slender, usually longer than the leaves, decorated below the middle with two smaller simple leaves. Beautiful flowers, white with a fluffy green here and there, always full with us, here and there the stamens and pistils of the spring are exhausted and sterile.
It grows in Japan. With us it blooms in pots from May to the end of July. The plate represents a branch in flower, and the most full flower from another individual plant.
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