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Plantarum rariorum horti caesarei Schoenbrunnensis descriptiones et icones

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Book published 1798.

Authored by Baron Nikolaus Joseph von Jacquin
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Published in four volumes from 1797 to 1804, the "Hortus Schoenbrunnensis" contains beautiful colored plates by Nicolai Joseph Jacquin. This work has been digitized courtesy of the Missouri Botanical Garden and is available for review an download at

See the alphabetical index in each volume immediately preceding the Tabs. The following plants are included:
Vol. 1 & 2 (1797): None.
Vol. 3 (1798):
Rosa moschata Tab 280
Rosa semperflorens Tab 281
Clematis florida plena Tab 357
Vol. 4 (1804):
Rosa turbinata Tab 415
Rosa pyrenaica Tab 416

[From Herbier général de l'amateur, Vol. I, 1816, p. iij:] Mais, outre ces grands ouvrages , ce zélé et infatigable Botaniste en a fait encore paraître plusieurs autres, accompagnés ou non de planches. Parmi les premiers, on doit
distinguer son Jardin de Schœnbrun , qui commenca à paraitre en 1797, et dont il y avait, en 1804, quatre volumes comprenant cinq cents figures
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