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'Goldsonne' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2023)  
‘Rhodophile Gravereaux’ has a citrus scent. ‘Soleil d’Or’ has a fruity scent with a sweet citrus-like scent. Both cultivars do not have an unpleasant R. foetida-like odor. The major scent component of ‘Rhodophile Gravereaux’ is geranyl acetate, and those of ‘Soleil d’ Or’ are geranyl acetate, geraniol, 2-phenylethanol and 2-phenylethyl acetate. In both cultivars, fatty acid derivatives, the characteristic scent components of R. foetida, were not detected.
Website/Catalog  (Jul 2016)  Includes photo(s).
Soleil d’Or


Récompenses :
- 1er prix : Médaille d’or à l’Exposition internationale d’horticulture de Lyon (1898)
- Diplôme d’honneur : Certificat de mérite de 1ère classe à l’exposition de Tours. (Congrès des rosiéristes) (1899)
- 1er prix : Grande médaille de vermeil à l’exposition de Dijon (1899)
- 1er prix : Médaille d’or, décerné par l’Association horticole lyonnaise, à Lyon (1899)
- Certificat de mérite de 1ère classe avec félicitations, à la section des roses de la Société nationale d’horticulture de France (1899)
- 1er prix : Grande médaille de vermeil, décernée par la Société d’horticulture du Rhône (1899)
- Diplôme d’honneur à Vienne - Autriche (1900)
- Grande médaille d’or à Budapest (1900)
- 1er prix : Médaille de l’Etat, à Dresde - Allemagne (1900)
Article (magazine)  (2009)  Page(s) 31.  
'Soleil d'Or'   Source RJBM [Réal Jardin Botanico Madrid] Chromosome Number 28
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 559.  
Soleil d'Or Pernetiana. Joseph Pernet-Ducher 1900
Book  (Apr 1999)  Page(s) 485-487.  
Soleil d'Or Translation "Sun of Gold". Pernetiana. Pernet-Ducher, 1900. From 'Antoine Ducher' x 'Persian Yellow'. The author cites information from different sources... Praised by some, cursed by others, the rose 'Soleil d'Or' nevertheless calmly goes about its business. I have always sung the praises of this rose. Were it to have every fault in the world, I would still extoll it, first of all because it is a new type, the creation of which many hybridizers attempted in vain -- and its color is unique. What is more, I have always thought that it would be the point of departure for new creations which would relieve us a little from the monotony of the old nuances... Bright yellow and gold... Yellowish orange red... One of the grandest new roses ever introduced... In announcing its release to commerce for November 1, 1900, Monsieur Pernet-Ducher supplies the following description: 'Very vigorous bush, 60-80 centimeters high... The coloration is so resistant to the sun that it doesn't pale a bit; in cool temperatures, the color is lighter and comes quite close to that of 'Persian Yellow'... Hybridizers had tried to pollinate that remarkable double yellow Persian rose -- the English call it 'Persian Yellow' -- but nothing came of it. Knowing very well that often sterility in roses is due to the viscous conformation of the pistil and ovaries, but that the stamens -- that is, the male organ -- can at the same time be in good shape, Monsieur Pernet-Ducher had the idea of taking a separate route from that of his predecessors by performing the inverse operation. Out of this operation was born 'Soleil d'Or', with a double flowers, and 'Rhodophile Gravereaux' [Pernetiana], with a blossom which is single, or pretty nearly so, both of them celebrated as the first representatives of a new group... Since 1883, Monsieur Pernet-Ducher had sought to raise crosses between 'Persian Yellow' (Rosa lutea [i.e., R. foetida]) and other remontant roses. This knowing rosiériste was haunted by the superb yellow color of the Persian, which he storngly wished to have in a remontant... Pernet-Ducher stuck to his idea, and over and over again hybridized Hybrid Perpetuals with the pollen of 'Persian Yellow'. After many vicissitudes, he noted that the rose 'Antoine Ducher' took more easily than others to crossing with Rosa lutea... 'Rhodophile Gravereaux' was noted in 1891 and 1892 when it bloomed; it gave semi-double flowers which were bright pink with whitish petal bases making a star, petal reverse light yellow, and having the foetid scent of Rosa lutea... Monsieur Pernet-Ducher gave the designation Pernet Rose, Rose Pernetiana, to this new series in the genus Rosa, to perpetuate the memory of its origin...

[From Journal des Roses - 1900, pp 88-89]
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 554.  Includes photo(s).
Soleil d'Or Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Pernet-Ducher (France) 1900. Parentage: (Seedling of 'Antoine Ducher' x Rosa foetida persiana) x Large-flowered Rose. Description... This rose is remarkable because it was the first of the class of Pernetianas now incorporated into the Large-flowered Roses. A breakthrough was made in introducing the deep yellow and range of orange shades of its wild parent to the Modern Garden Roses... The deep orange-yellow to tawny gold-shaded red flowers are very large... Unfortunately, a propensity to black spot was transmitted to many of its class; this has now almost been bred out...
Book  (Sep 1997)  Page(s) 35.  
In 1900, a French nursery introduced... Soleil d'Or, a bush with rich orange-yellow blossoms, a color previously unknown in winter-hardy roses... [a cross of] a European garden rose of the Hybrid Perpetual class with a Middle Eastern rose: R. foetida 'Persiana,' the Persian Yellow rose... 'Persian Yellow' contributed the genes for yellow flowers, but... also passed along a severe susceptibility to... blackspot. Other nurserymen began using 'Soleil d'Or' as a parent in their breeding programs and with it managed to create the luminous flower colors that delight modern rose growers. At the same time, though, they spread susceptibility to disease throughout the Hybrid Tea roses and the classes that descend from them: the Floribunda and Grandiflora roses...
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 376-377.  Includes photo(s).
Soleil d'Or Description... No rose ever created a greater sensation than 'Soleil d'Or' on its first showing in Paris in 1900...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 560.  
Hybrid Foetida (OGR), yellow blend, 1900, Said to be F2 seedling of 'Antoine Ducher' x R. foetida persiana; Pernet-Ducher. Bud long, pointed; flowers orange-yellow to ruddy gold, shaded nasturtium-red, double, large; fragrant; foliage rich green; vigorous. Noted for being the foudnation of the Pernetiana class, which is now included in the Hybrid Tea class. [Listed under Pernetiana, p. 443: Pernetiana, Pernet-Ducher. A name for a class of roses -- originally Hybrid Perpetual x R. foetida, but later crossed with Hybrid Teas; 'Soleil d'Or' (1900) was the first of these. Now completely merged with the Hybrid Teas, to which they have contributed a greatly widened color range..
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 115.  Includes photo(s).
A Rosa foetida hybrid. An interesting, historic rose for a hot, dry climate. Pernet-Ducher (France) 1900. (A seedling from 'Antoine Ducher' x Rosa foetida)
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