'De la Reine Sophie' clematis References
Magazine (26 Jul 1902) Page(s) 52. [From "THE WILD FORMS OF CLEMATIS FLORIDA, C. PATENS; &c.", by Dr. Augustine Henry] Clematis patens var. Sophia, depicted in Flore des Serres, t. 852, has a longitudinal greenish band through the centre of each sepal, which replaces the original three green nerves [of the wild form of C. florida].
Magazine (17 Nov 1900) Page(s) 537. La Maladie noire des Clématites à grandes fleurs....Les variétés qui été les plus atteintes au Jardin botanique de la Ville sont : 1° Dans le groupe des Clematis patens Dcn. : Edouard Desfossé, Bélisaire, Ma Favorite, Sophia, Sophia flore pleno et Uranus.
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 261, 271. p. 261: Cl. pat. Sophia. — Rev. hort., IV, 461; 1853, 333. — Journ. d’hort. prat., II, 248. — Hort. franç., 1853, 273; 1854, 31 ; 1856, 19.
p. 271: Clematis Sophia (Siebold), Flore VIII, 279, s. des patens; Japon, azuré.
Website/Catalog (1875) Page(s) 79. CLEMATIS. Virgin's Bower. Waldrebe, Ger. Clematite, Fr. The Clematis are elegant, slender branched shrubs, of rapid growth, handsome foliage and beautiful large flowers of all colors. The newer varieties introduced within the last five or six years are great acquisitions. Either in the open ground as pillar plants, bedding plants, single plants in masses or about rock-work, or cultivated in pots or tubs, the Clematis cannot be excelled. We append the following from the English "Gardener." Jackman's Clematises: "They are magnificent; and more than this, they do give us some of the grandest things in the way of creepers the horticultural world has ever seen, making glorious ornaments either for walls, verandahs, or rustic poles or pillars, varying in color from deep rich violet hue to dark velvety maroon, and in the newer seedling forms, beautiful shades of pale bright blue." They will stand the severest Winters if the roots are slightly covered. Class II. Varieties Flowering in the Spring and Early Summer, on the Old or Ripened Wood. C. Sophia. Very large, showy, pale blue flowers, with a broad green band down the back of each sepal.
Book (1872) Page(s) 142. C. SOPHIA (Siebold).—A dark-coloured variety of C. patens, of Japanese origin, introduced by the indefatigable Von Siebold, and one of the earlier of the varieties of this type obtained for our gardens. It has the same habit as the typical form of C. patens, and is also similar to it in regard to foliage and size of flower, but differs in the sepals being of a deep lilac-purple at the edges, blending gradually into the pale greenish straw-colour of the bar which marks the centre of each ; the stamens are deep violet. The figure in Flores des Serres (viii., t. 852), shows the bar much greener than in the natural state. It is also figured in the Illustration Horticole (i., t., 21), and in the Belgique Horticole (iv. 97).
Magazine (1869) Page(s) 264. De Paris à St-Pétersbourg, par M. Ed. André. .... L'une des plus belles choses de Cologne et des moins connues du voyageur qui passe à la hâte est le jardin de la Société Flora. ..... j'y ai remarqué le long des murs de la grande terrasse, des Clémtites du Japon (Clematis Sophia et florida), de toute beauté. Quelques-uns de ces beaux arbrisseaux grimpants portaient plusieurs centaines de fleurs larges de 15 centimètres, d'un violet azuré ou d'un blanc virginal et délicieux. J'en conseille d'autant plus la culture dans les terrains légers et sableux que ces Clématites sont très-rustiques sous le climat de toute la France. A peine, à Cologne, les protége-t-on l'hiver par quelques feuilles au pied.
Website/Catalog (1867) Page(s) 21. Clematis patens Sophia Sieb. - Pétales bleus, étamines pourpres ....1 Franc
Website/Catalog (Aug 1866) Page(s) 31. Clematis Sophie...6 Groschen
Magazine (May 1865) Page(s) 144. C. PATENS, Dcne. ...Variétés :... Sophia. Sépales blanc verdâtre bordés de violet.
Book (1863) Page(s) 1017. C. patens, Dne. ..... Variété C. Sophia, Hort. Cette belle plante peut se cultiver à l'air libre.