Newsletter (Jun 2016) Page(s) 13. Vol 25, No. 6. Steve Jones. A Rose by Any Other Name. Here are some of the roses I saw (in South Africa) and what we know them by in the US: Funky 'Betty Boop' WEKplapic F, rb
Website/Catalog (2008) Page(s) 5. Includes photo(s). Betty Boop (WEKplapic) Carruth, 1999... creamy-yellow with red edge single... glossy, disease ressitant foliage...
Website/Catalog (2008) Page(s) 26. Includes photo(s).
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 6. Betty Boop Floribunda [rb]
Book (2002) Page(s) 26. Interim rating 8.0
Book (2000) Page(s) 30. National Rose Trial Garden of Australia awards for Trial 2. 1997-1999. Bed No. 97-11-98. C/F. Wekplapic. Weeks, USA. Silver Medal.
Magazine (2000) Page(s) 80. Vol 94, Part 3. Includes photo(s). Peter Wood reports on the British Rose Festival at Hampton Court. The rose growers launched eleven new roses. Bred by Tom Carruth in America, Betty Boop was named for the cartoon character and is an All American Rose Selection. The rose was launched by C. & K Jones and is a Floribunda with bright and cheerful clusters of ivory-cream fragrant flowers edged with cherry red (see cover picture)
Website/Catalog (30 Aug 1999) Page(s) 9. Includes photo(s). Betty Boop™ (WEKplapic) Description... Reblooms quickly without deadheading or shaping...
Article (magazine) (May 1999) Page(s) 27. Includes photo(s). Rich Baer, photographer
Magazine (Jan 1999) Page(s) 35. 'WEKplapic' Floribunda; red blend; (Betty Boop™); Carruth, Tom, [Playboy X Picasso] ... description