'Baby Star' clematis Description
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Early Large Flowered, Group 2.
White. Sometimes double in spring (22 tepals and staminoids). None / no fragrance. 4 to 6 petals. Average diameter 2.5". Small, single, star-shaped bloom form. Late spring to late summer.
Height: 39" to 4'11" (100 to 150cm). Width: up to 6" (up to 15cm).
United States - Patent No: PP 23,870 on 3 Sep 2013 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 13/385,272 on 10 Feb 2012 Inventors: van Zoest; Jan (Boskoop, NL)
‘Zobast’ arose as a seedling derived from open pollination of an unnamed plant from the breeding program, designated as No. 19960074 in 2003. ‘Zobast’ was selected as a single unique plant from the batch of seedlings in 2006.