Website/Catalog (1912) Page(s) 78. Summer and Autumn Clematis. In bloom from July to October. These flower upon the wood of the current year's growth, and should therefore be pruned to five or six eyes. Othello, rich violet purple... 1s. 6d.
Website/Catalog (1907) Page(s) 66. Clematis in pots to plant out in spring and summer. General Collection. 74 Othello (Jackmanii), velvety purple.
Book (1898) Page(s) 71. Variétés Horticoles IIIe Groupe.— VITICELLA. Othello (Cripps). Fleur moyenne, pourpre velouté foncé.
Magazine (1881) Page(s) plate 439. Includes photo(s). Clematis Othello It is to Messrs. Thomas Cripps and Son, Nurserymen, Tunbridge Wells, that we are indebted for the opportunity of figuring this new form of the Clematis. With his invariable care and fidelity to the subject he sketches, Mr. Fitch has drawn a picture just as he saw it in the flowers; but they were cut from the plant late in the season, and they are decidedly undersized. The form and colour of the flowers he has faithfully produced, and we are fully justified in stating that, in this new variety, Messrs. Cripps and Son have obtained a novelty of high-class character in colour and distinctness. For a few years past some of the new forms of the Clematis have been found to be of gradually deepening shades of colour, and the depth of shade seen in C. Othello is all the more acceptable, because so many of the varieties are of soft and delicate tints. The variety now figured is in course of distribution by Messrs. Cripps and Son, and we are of opinion it will fully sustain the reputation of that firm for raising and distributing novelties of high excellence.