'Marburg800' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Hof Pallenhoven
Pink and white, red streaks, stripes, flecks, white streaks, stripes, flecks, white undertones. Average diameter 2.5". Medium, single (4-8 petals), cluster-flowered bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season.
Bushy, upright. Glossy, dark green foliage.
Height: 31" to 47" (80 to 120cm). Width: 20" to 39" (50 to 100cm).
Can be used for ground cover.
United States - Patent No: PP 35,550 on 19 Dec 2023 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 18/203,817 on 31 May 2023 The first offer for sale of the new variety was June 2022, in Germany. ....was created by controlled breeding in May 2012 at Offenseth-Sparrishoop, Germany...The female parent...of the new variety was an unnamed breeder seedling (not patented). The male parent ...was the KORblohawa variety (not patented).
Source: Marburg800Commemorates the 800th anniversary of the town of Marburg. Christened June 20, 2022. Limited edition of 800 plants. [Source: Simsalabim]