HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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Tasman Bay Roses Ltd.
(5 Jun 2022)  
Columba's Rose (Tan 00798) HT. A beautiful H.T. with very large, cup shaped flowers of deep cream, often quartered. Fragrant and healthy. Names in association with 'Columba's College' Dunedin - 100th centenary. TM.
(4 Jun 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Faithful Companion. (Geaaura) Shrub. Semi-double flowers open to yellow-orange fading paler. Healthy and vigorous. Gear.
(5 Jun 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Warm Wishes (Fryexotic). Hybrid Tea. Large flowers of soft peach-coral. Medium. PVR.
(15 Apr 2015)  Includes photo(s).

Glowing Cushion (Interreflet) Prizewinning variety with large clusters of crimson-scarlet single flowers. Low
(4 Jun 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Golden Jubilee Floribunda. (Tan00774) Abundant flowers of classic form in golden yellow on a well formed bush. Named to mark the 50th anniversary of NZSIS. PVR.
(5 Jun 2022)  
Applause (Harexever) Hybrid Tea. Old fashioned double flowers in an unusual coral pink. Fragrant. A sturdy bush. Medium
(5 Jun 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Hayley Westenra (Tanguste) HT. Delightful scented double flowers, in shades of apricot with highlights of cream and peach. A very beautiful rose. A donation to UNICEF with every rose sold. NZ PVR applies. Tantau. Med. Won Rose of the Year 2010 at the Pacific Rose Bowl Festival .
(5 Jun 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Lady in Red  Hybrid Tea. (Jacoppa). Large perfumed flowers of crimson red freely produced. Medium.1997.
(16 Oct 2015)  
Lasting Love (Adabreton) HT. Deep red blooms, very healthy with a good fragrance. Glossy foliage and compact growth. NZPVR
(4 Jun 2022)  Includes photo(s).
Leonardo da Vinci (Meidauri) Floribunda. Clusters of large flowers of light pink. Vigorous. Medal winner. PVR.
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