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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The Encyclopedia of Roses (Markley)
(1999)  Page(s) 222.  
Warwick Castle [one of the 200 roses the author recommends] Austin 1986... rose red
(1999)  Page(s) 221-222.  Includes photo(s).
The Squire Austin 1977... red... [one of the 200 roses the author recommends]
(1999)  Page(s) 223.  
Wife of Bath [one of the 200 roses the author recommends]
(1999)  Page(s) 191.  
Bourgogne Shrub. Interplant 1983... The hips of this rose are considered the most beautiful of the rose fruits... delicate pink... one of the 200 roses the author recommends...
(1999)  Page(s) 203.  
Make Up Meilland 1987... salmon-pink rosettes... one of the 200 roses the author recommends...
(1999)  Page(s) 20.  
In 1985, [Rosen-Tantau's] fortune and rose-breeding operations passed into the hands of long-time colleague Hans Jürgen Evers. Successful new introductions like 'Diadem' and 'Monica', which helped bring the moderately profitable field-growing of cutting roses in Germany to a renaissance in the 1980s, are his works.
(1999)  Page(s) 193.  
Dolly Poulsen 1975... dark pink.. shade tolerant... one of the 200 roses the author recommends...
(1999)  Page(s) 193.  
Dortmunder Kaiserhain Werner Noack 1994... pink.. shade-tolerant... one of the 200 roses the author recommends...
(1999)  Page(s) 196.  
Fragrant Gold Hybrid Tea. Tantau 1981... butter-yellow flowers... one of the 200 roses the author recommends...
(1999)  Page(s) 195.  Includes photo(s).
Ferdy Shrub. Keisei 1984. Prune -- it at all -- only to thin or rejuvenate... needs open space to develop to fullest... pink... shade-tolerant... one of the 200 roses the author recommends
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