HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Rose Man Stan
'Rose Man Stan'  photo
Photo courtesy of Rose Man Stan
Rose Man Stan
Colorado, United States - ( Zone: 5a )
I was born and raised with roses it seems. My grandmothers and my mother all had big rose gardens. I helped tend to all of them and learned much from these wonderful women in my life. It is only natural that I have my own rose beds to enjoy as well. With well over 40 years of rose growing experience there is still much to learn. I enjoy taking photos of the wonderful smiling bloom faces of my roses and sharing them with others. I am a Master Consulting Rosarian through the American Rose Society (now an Emeritus Consulting Rosarian_ARS) , recipient of the Silver Honor Medal from the American Rose Society - Rocky Mountain District 2017. Award Winning Floral Photographer. I am now Retired. Still enjoying my roses!!
Very experienced (70 years)
Accredited or certified authority, Author, Photographer, Society member
Last visit: Sunday, August 25th

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