I have been looking at the roses of John Clements and it seems he ignored all the words in the dictionary for inspiration and doubled up on a few code names. We have:
CLEzap-Portlandia. 2002 CLEzap-Scarlet Velvet. 2006
CLEwonder-Wonderstripe.1996 CLEwonder-Color Wonder. 2001
CLEhope-Ashley. 2002 CLEhope-Stars 'n' Stripes Forever. 2003
CLElight-Little Lighthouse. 1991 CLElight-Sarah. 2001
But as for these next two, I am completely lost. CLEpchsilk-Magnificent Perfume. 2003 light pink shrub CLEpchsilk-Peach Silk. 2004 light pink climber
(I rather think there was confusion there, with the following name: CLEperf 'Apricot Perfume'. 1990 apricot miniature)
Can anybody help us sort out the CLEpchsilk's. I am a little ill with a virus and I cannot see things too clearly at the moment. Thanks. Patricia