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Weeping Tree Roses
Weeping Standards
[From A Year of Roses, by Stephen Scanniello, pp. 146-147:] Weeping tree roses are created in the same fashion as the bushy types, except that the buds used are climbing roses (ramblers in particular), ground cover roses, and even larger shrub roses. These are much more interesting because of the wonderful cascading effect they create in the garden... One of the best weeping tree roses I ever saw was in an amateur rose grower's garden in Kansas City, Missouri. At the top of a six-foot stem of 'Dr. Huey,' this rosarian budded several buds of the miniature climbing rose 'Red Cascade'. The fountain of red roses in his garden in June was one of the most spectacular sites I've ever seen.
[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, p. 72:] Of natural weepers, the Ayrshire, Evergreen, Multiflora, and Wichuraiana are the best. Of others, such as the Austrian, the Boursault, the Hybrid Chinese, the Hybrid Noisette, the Noisette, Hybrid Perpetual, Tea-scented, and Hybrid Tea-scented, as are of pundulous growth, should be chosen.
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