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'Mateo's Silk Butterflies' rose References
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 403.  
Mateo's Silk Butterflies (LETsilk) Lettunich (USA) 1992. Parentage: Seedling of Rosa chinensis mutabilis. Description... This rose was a seedling found under a bush of R. chinensis mutabilis in Kleine Lettunich's garden in California... single soft pink flowers...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 102.  Includes photo(s).
China x hybrid musk cross. Lettunich (USA) 1993. ('Mutabilis' x ? 'Francis E. Lester') Repeats. Height: 5 ft. Slight scent.
Photographed in the garden of the breeder Kleine Lettunich in Aptos, California. This is the original bush of this variety. Also a close-up of blossoms.