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The Uncommon Rose Historic Archive
Discussion id : 17-471
most recent 16 AUG 07 SHOW ALL
Initial post 21 MAR 07 by William
When the Oui is available I would be very interested in recieving information on how to get it.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 16 AUG 07 by Paul Barden
It was decided that 'Oui' did not meet the standards for commercial introduction and so it will not be made available to the public, regrettably.

Paul Barden
Discussion id : 20-619
most recent 29 JUL 07 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JUL 07 by Drasaid
Thank you all for all the wonderful roses, and for the beautiful website.
Thank you for all your efforts. I will miss you but I'm glad you were able to share your stuff with me when you could (I understand about not making a profit!! Believe me.)
You were not only Uncommon Roses, but you are Uncommon People. I wish you well in all your endeavors, and will patronize those who carry your stock (Let us know who they are!)