Sequoia Nursery, Moore Miniature Roses Historic Archive
Initial post
27 APR 08 by
Their website says they are closing as of 4/30/08.
#1 of 2 posted
2 MAY 08 by
Yes, a long-time employee of Sequoia Nursery, has confirmed the closing as of the last day of April, 2008.
#2 of 2 posted
2 MAY 08 by
Wendy C
Another nursery is going to continue selling Ralph's hybrids. At the moment I can't recall who it is. Sequoia is closing, but the roses will continue on.
Initial post
20 FEB 06 by
Unregistered Guest
I purchase a miniature rose a couple of weeks ago and I put it in the kitchen window. This window is the one that gets the most sun. Now the undergrowth leaves are turning yellow. I am not watering it enough or is the sun coming through the window to much. Please let me what I can do to fix the problem.
#1 of 1 posted
22 FEB 06 by
Wendy C
Hi Shannon,
This could be one of two things. A. Over watering - roses don't like to have wet feet. Water the rose from the bottom of the pot once a week or so. Either by setting it in a saucer of water or in the sink. After an hour or so remove the rose from the water. An under watered rose will appear withered or wilted.
B. Spider mites - Pesky little insects which can do some real damage to your mini. Place a piece of white paper under the rose and tap on the leaves. If little dark specs appear on the paper, it's spider mites. Wrap the pot in a plastic bag, covering the soil (to keep everything together while treating). Carefully tip the rose over the sink and spray the undersides of all the leaves. Then dip the rose in tempid soapy water getting all of the leaves. A drop or so of dish liquid in four cups of water is sufficient. Remove the bag until next treatment. Repeat daily until the mites are gone.
Spider mites can be a problem with indoor roses. I had a time with them last winter.
Good luck