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'John Cabot' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 40-473
most recent 14 NOV 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 NOV 09 by Anne M
Northwestern Ontario, Canada, USDA Zone 2,
I have had John Cabot for over 6 years, and due to health problems, the last 4 in total neglect (no water, no weeding). Still growing, this past summer bloomed wonderfully. Completely disease free, and even the Japanese Beetles didn't bother it. In my area, I have cold (long)winters, and July/part Aug the temps can get up into the high nineties(F) with high humidity. That's the beauty of the Explorer roses - not only can they withstand cold, they also do well in heat & humidity. My roses don't get winter protection of any sort, and I use no chemicals whatsoever. I would personally recommend this rose to anyone, no matter what zone.
Discussion id : 35-379
most recent 7 APR 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 APR 09 by anonymous-223802
Available from - Brushwood Nursery
Discussion id : 32-302
most recent 11 DEC 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 DEC 08 by bob diller
Does anybody grow this one organically in any the steamy blackspot ridden areas of the Southeastern US? I do not even use "organic" sprays. Roses get a superb organic fertilizer regiment of fish emulsion and alfalfa, but leaf diseases are left to their own natural cycle. I'd like to try this rose and have had great luck with William Baffin. I'm in Richmond Virginia, zone 7.
Discussion id : 8-998
most recent 8 MAR 06 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 JUN 05 by Unregistered Guest
I just planted my John Cabot Rose Shrub last spring. There are 2 shoots that are like 6'+ tall, one on the left and one on the right. But everything in the middle are 3 feet. I know the shrub can get up to 10' (I read on web). I've never pruned it yet. It's growing good. It's not really filling out yet...but I know that can take time. Am I supposed to be cutting down the 2 shoots so the rest can catch up? I'm afraid if I cut them, I will loose height and it'll never get to 6' again! Also--are those really tall ones meant to be supported or hunch/bend over??
Reply #1 of 3 posted 5 JUN 05 by RoseBlush

I haven't grown this particular rose, so I am going to answer you just using general rose knowledge and hope someone who has grown the rose will jump in and give you a more specific answer.

Modern roses, even the Explorer roses, store most of their nutrients in their canes. Cutting off those two large canes to make the form of the rose look better this season, would be cutting off their "pantry". The time to shape and even out the bush is when it is dormant. My suggestion is just let it be itself this year and shape it when you prune.


Reply #2 of 3 posted 9 JUN 05 by Unregistered Guest
Thanks Lynn! I'm so glad you said that because I really didn't want to cut them!!! So I will just leave them be. Oh I'm so happy. Thank you!!!
Reply #3 of 3 posted 8 MAR 06 by
John Cabot is an arching shrub rose and as such its canes arch back toward the ground. We prune ours at spring and midsummer applying a granular fertilizer at the same time. Remove deadwood at any time. We reduce the number of upright canes each year in spring as overcrowded canes can often invite rot at the crown. In zone 5 we dont prune within 6 weeks of frost so we stop doing anything in mid august.
Andy Van Cleve
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