Book (2018) Page(s) 87. Includes photo(s).
Sandra Turner, Victoria. My Favourite Modern Shrub Roses.
Abraham Darby
Website/Catalog (2018) Includes photo(s).
(Auscot) Abraham Darby
In early summer, 'Abraham Darby' bears large, deeply cupped blooms in shades of pink, apricot and yellow and, in spite of their size, they continue to be produced for the remainder of the season. They have a rich, fruity fragrance with a refreshing sharpness. [...]
Named after one of the founding figures of the Industrial Revolution, which began in Shropshire, not far from our nursery.
Book (Feb 2009) Page(s) 209. Includes photo(s).
‘Abraham Darby’/AUScot: Roses anglaises. Parents: ‘Aloha’ x ‘Yellow Cushion’. Obtenteur: Austin, 1985. Description et conseils.
Book (2002) Page(s) 18.
Rated 7.5
Book (2 Jun 1999) Page(s) 112. Includes photo(s).
Abraham Darby English Shrub... Named for a founder of the industrial revolution... Parentage: 'Yellow Cushion' x 'Aloha'... a tall shrub... classic old rose-shaped blooms of a coppery apricot color, fading towards pink on the outer petals as they age...
Book (Apr 1999) Page(s) 16-17. Includes photo(s).
One of Rayford Reddell's choices for its cut-flowers.
Book (Feb 1999) Page(s) 20-21. Includes photo(s).
Abraham Darby One of Taylor's 50 Best Roses. Description, vital statistics, and care advice... The color is a soft, luscious apricot tinged with yellow on the inside petals and pink on the outer petals... The blossoms last a long time in a vase or bowl... If you lack the space for a shrub rose in your garden, plant this rose as a low climber...
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 11. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 126. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (22 Dec 1998) Page(s) 18. Includes photo(s).