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'Navo-Rose' References
Book  (2008)  Page(s) 73.  Includes photo(s).
Mathias Tantau junior 'Mainzer Fastnacht ®' (1964) This hybrid tea which was the measure for roses with lavender-blue shades for many years, is also known as 'Blue Moon ®'. ...strong in sunny and warm locations. 100 cm...good cut-flower.
Book  (2002)  Page(s) 27.  
1965. Rated 5.9
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 122.  Includes photo(s).
‘Blue Moon’/TANnacht/’Blue Monday’/’Mainzer Fastnacht’/’Sissi’ = Hybride de Thé… coloris lavande tirant en effet sur le bleu… excellente en vase… buisson vigoureux mais à port plutôt lâche, et peu empresser à former de nouvelles pousses. Son feuillage vert sombre et clairsemé… Tantau avait nommé ce rosier ‘Mainzer Fastnacht’, nom de la fameuse fête de Mardi Gras à Mayence. Trop difficile à prononcer pour les non-germanistes, ce nom fut changé en ‘Sissi’, qui est le sien en France, mais pour le monde anglophone, «sissy» signifie effeminé, d’où ce nom de «lune bleue». ‘Tantau Allemagne 1965. Semis x Sterling Silver. NRS Certificate of Merit 1964.
Book  (Jul 1996)  Page(s) 39.  Includes photo(s).
Blue Moon Large-flowered bush (Hybrid Tea) Tantau (Germany) 1964 ('Blue Monday', 'Sissi', 'Mainzer Fastnacht', 'Tannacht') Parentage given: 'Sterling Silver' seedling x seedling. Description.
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 85.  Includes photo(s).
Blue Moon ('Mainzer Fastnacht', 'Sissi') Large-flowered. Tantau 1964. Description... a cold, pale lilac shade, sometimes warmed with a little pink... Parentage: 'Sterling Silver' x unnamed seedling
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 56.  
Blue Moon® Hybrid Tea, mauve & mauve blend, 1965, (TANnacht; TANsi; 'Blue Monday'; 'Mainzer Fastnacht'; 'Sissi'); 'Sterling Silver' x Seedling; Tantau, Math. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 174.  Includes photo(s).
Blue Moon Large-flowered hybrid tea. Parentage: 'Sterling Silver' seedling x seedling. (aka 'Blue Monday'; 'Sissi'; 'Mainzer Fastnacht'; TANnacht). Germany 1964. Description and cultivation... Flowers: in shades ranging from silvery lilac to lilac-purple... The sun will bring out the blue tones... Often grown as an exhibition rose.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 130.  Includes photo(s).
A climbing Hybrid Tea that has unaccountably dropped out of the catalogs. Kordes (Germany) 1964. Height: 8 ft. Good scent.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 166.  Includes photo(s).
('Blue Moon', 'Blue Monday', 'Sissi', 'Mainzer Fastnacht') A Hybrid Tea, the best of the so-called 'blue' group. Flowers throughout summer, sunshine brings out the blue tones. Tantau (Germany) 1964. ('Sterling Silver' seedling x seedling)
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 126, 127.  Includes photo(s).
p. 126: [Photo]
p. 127: Blue Moon ('Blue Monday', 'Mainzer Fastnacht', 'Sissi', 'Tannacht') Hybrid Tea. Tantau 1965. Parentage: 'Sterling Silver' seedling x Seedling.
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