'Papa Meilland ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Should the climate zone on this one be 6? "The American Rose Society Encyclopedia of Roses" says it is zone 6. I want this one and all though I'm zone 7a (probably) I want to confirm my suspicion about the actual cold hardines of this plant. Someone did mention they are growing one in Chicago and it is thriving. Botanica's Roses also says zone 6 - 11. "Best Rose Guide" by Phillips & Rix says zone 6 as well.
#1 of 1 posted
5 DEC 22 by
Papa Meilland grows in two public gardens in eastern Germany in Zone 7a. So it should be possible in your zone. The crux will be the duration of low temperatures. Protection will be needed (recommended by German nurseries). Zone 6 is probably too low, as Meilland roses are bred in Zone 8.
I planted one bush of Papa Meilland in my new garden in late April 2021 (from Edmunds' budded on Dr. Huey, Chicagoland zone 5b). It was one of my star performers of the 170 newly planted 2021 roses. It is placed in one of the worst locations - at the back of the South Garden nearer to the house and where the heavy clay soil predominates (over the exquisite sandy loam at the front of the garden). In terms of sunlight Papa receives sunlight until about 1:00 to 3:00 pm (depending on time of year) or until the sun passes over our two-story house. It is one of the roses closest to our front door.
Growth was vigorous and included a couple of very nice basal canes. Growth is quite upright. All stems were quite long. Blooms were near-perfect - they did not burn or discolor in the hot sun. I noted that Papa responded quite well to a couple of servings of Alfalfa tea in July. Growing season conditions were hot and dry - occasional high humidity but very little rain for Chicago area. I spray every 10-14 days and Papa was disease free. We brought several blooms/stems into the house for display. Papa is now my wife's favorite rose. The fragrance was strong and divine. I could not be happier with Papa - so I ordered another one for 2022.
To sum up - for me in my garden conditions in 2021 - Papa Meilland was nothing short of outstanding.
I have Papa Meilland in zone 8b, grafted onto Rosa fortuniana rootstock, and it has been a strong performer here. It is a gawky and lopsided grower though, so I'd not expect the bush to look like a Belinda's Dream or Beverly.
Exactly the same here in Western Australia. It’s possibly more compact and less gawky on own roots or a different rootstock but we need the strength and protection of Fortuniana in our soil and climate. I love the blooms and however they need to grow is fine with me.
Just got to sniff one of these for the first time today. Incredible scent. I think I may have to do what Billy does, and grow it together with 'Mister Lincoln' and 'Oklahoma' just for fun. I only have the former at the moment, but have been meaning to get the latter anyway.
Hi, just wondering if you ended up getting the others, and how you find the scents compare to each other? For reds I have Oklahoma, Jubile Papa Meilland and Fragrant Charm (Duftzauber) - they are not in bloom yet (it's spring here) but I do recall the fragrance of Oklahoma from before, and it was divine. I have been thinking of adding the original Papa Meilland, and / or Mister Lincoln, but haven't decided yet. Any comments on fragrance would be appreciated (Fragrance plays a big part in my decision-making :-) I've got very limited space, 10 (x 10 gallon / 45 litres) containers fit on my balcony, so I need to be very picky). Thank you
No, I don't have all three yet. At the moment I only have Lincoln.
Re scent: a problem here is that, since I don't have all three side by side, any comparisons have to rely on memory and may also be affected by growing conditions, weather, etc.
However, for what it's worth: all of three of them are utterly scrumptious. I distinctly remember Oklahoma's scent as being "darker" and earthier than Lincoln, if you will excuse the synaesthesia, but in a totally good way. Lincoln, although still very rich, felt a bit lighter and maybe fruitier.
My Lincoln isn't out at the moment, so I couldn't do a direct comparison the same day as Papa Meilland, but the latter didn't smell quite like what my memory says Lincoln smells like. I remember thinking it was different, but I couldn't say exactly how at the moment. This is one reason why I'd like to try all three under the same conditions.
Lincoln is very vigorous, and tends to head for the sky like a rocket. I've heard that Oklahoma is a bit more restrained, and Meilland even more so. Meilland's colour is closer to Lincoln than to Oklahoma.
For some reason I didn't get a notification of your response, and just happened to be checking out Papa M again today, and saw your answer :-) Thanks for your detailed descriptions - I don't mind the synaesthesia at all (I did have to look up what synaesthesia meant though ;-) ) My Fragrant Charm is shooting up and has a couple of blooms already, but my Oklahoma has made only 1 or 2 new canes and not even a single bud yet <sigh> I had put it down to some sawfly issues that she had a few weeks ago, and a bit of thrips now, but maybe, as you say, she is just restrained. But I do love that fragrance, so I'm not giving up yet.
I think Oklahoma has the best scent out of the three, but they're all delicious.