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'Prince Jardinier ®' rose References
Article (magazine)  (2023)  
Francis Meilland® 'Meitroni', Source/Accession RRG  [Raleigh Rose Garden] ...Estimated ploidy level(x) 4 
Book  (2017)  Page(s) 58.  
Matthias Meilland:  In 2013, receiving the last A.A.R.S. rewarding rose which does not require phytosanitary treatment, this variety which was already called  ‘Schloss Ippenburg®’  in Germany, ‘Prince Jardinier®’ in the rest of Europe and My Garden® in Japan, was then called during the commemoration of the centenary of the birth of Francis, ‘Francis Meilland’.
Website/Catalog  (19 Feb 2015)  Includes photo(s).

Father of Peace. Named to honour the breeder of the world’s favourite rose – 'Peace', Francis Meilland is exceptional. Each perfectly formed, high centred, soft shell pink flower is petal filled and exquisitely perfumed with a rich fruit & citrus scent. Its beauty is matched by its robustness, winning the prestigious ADR contest in Germany, this rose has extraordinary disease resistance, almost unheard of in a hybrid tea. Ideal in pot or ground alike. Height: 1.5m.
Newsletter  (Aug 2013)  Page(s) 48-49.  Includes photo(s).
The cultivar Meitroni, pale pink fragrant HT with very healthy foliage, bred by Meilland International is and will remain for ever the only rose being awarded, in the three main no sprays rose trials in the world. ....Bred in 1996, the selection process was long and not so easy, even for such a proven winner rose : the healthiest among the fragrant HT. In the parentage the black spot resistance is coming from two sources. One from German blood origin, the other from British blood origin. It happens when these two gene pools are exposed to long growing season with a combination of heat and high air humidity, they tend to develop a semi climbing habit towards the end of the season. When the growing season is short like it is in the case in our private testing facility in Northern Germany, the classification HT is absolutely obvious, but on the East coast of the USA or in Japan with some muggy weeks in July and August, or in California where first flowers arrive in April and last one in November, juvenile Meitroni can express super vigor close to a climbing aspect. Luckily enough this extreme vigor is also linked to a juvenile pattern and disappears when the bush gets mature.....
Jacques Mouchotte Head of Research at Meilland International
Website/Catalog  (2013)  
Francis Meilland, (Meitroni), [(Tanrowisa × Meimalyna) × Harkuly], Meilland; buds large, conical ; flowers soft shell pink, 13-14 cm., very full, cupped, borne singly and in small clusters , strong, fruit and citrus fragrance; recurrent; foliage dark green, semi-glossy, disease-resistant ; prickles numerous, hooked downward ; growth tall
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