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'integrifolia 'Durandii'' clematis Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 42-401
most recent 17 AUG 17 SHOW ALL
Initial post 11 FEB 10 by Nancy McD
Every shrub rose should have a pet clematis. In our garden 'Durandii' grows on Rosa glauca, and the combination of those big blue flowers against the powdery purple-blue foliage of the rose is remarkably fine. This clematis is not a good climber, though, and needs a little help from the gardener to stay up there with the rose. It's worth the effort.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 AUG 17 by Jay-Jay
At my place it is being intertwined by me with Heinrich Conrad Söth and that makes a nice display too.
It is in my opinion an almost continuous bloomer from the end of may till September or even October.
Discussion id : 73-351
most recent 2 AUG 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 2 AUG 13 by Jay-Jay
This Clematis is prone to mildew at my place, where big oaks are mildewing like mad.
This plant however flowers from the beginning of june and is stll flowering and making new flowerbuds!!!
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