'florida 'Alba Plena'' clematis References
Article (magazine) (2013) Page(s) 61. Clematis florida Thunb. ‘Plena’ (Pom. – 1838) [also perennials, C. recta L. (1836) and C. integrifolia L. (Trees 1841)
Website/Catalog (26 Jul 2011) Clematis florida Thunb. var. florepleno See Clematis florida Thunb. var. bicolor for a description of the species. Florepleno is fully double with greenish-white flowers, to 12cm across. [RHSE].
Horticultural & Botanical History The single form of Clematis florida was introduced from Japan after the double, but certainly by 1805. ‘The Clematis florida is a native of Japan, said to have been introduced to this country by Dr. Fothergill, about the year 1776; but we apprehend that it was the double variety, which is now not uncommon in our gardens.’ [BM t.834/1805]. ‘By much the largest and most showy flowers of the whole genus.’ [ABR pl.402/1804].
History at Camden Park Listed only in the 1843, 1845 and 1850 catalogues.
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 20. Clematis 'Sieboldii' was introduced in to the Leiden Botanic Garden in the Netherlands in 1837, by its director, Philipp von Siebold... C. 'Sieboldii' sported to produce another double-flowered cultivar, C. 'Plena', also known as C. florida 'Alba Plena'... [both were] introduced from the Netherlands into the British Isles in 1836 [which would be a year before the authors just wrote the former was introduced into the Leiden Botanic Garden???]
Book (11 Oct 2000) Page(s) 118.
Website/Catalog (1909) Page(s) 75. Clematis Florida, fine white double - each 20 c.; per 10, $1.50
Website/Catalog (1893) Page(s) 15. Clematis Florida double white flower, tipped with green near the center....each $ .50, per 10 $ 4 00
Magazine (30 Mar 1887) Page(s) 28. Le Clematis florida Thunb. appartient également à la flore japonaise. Cette espèce est plus petite que les autres; elle a les feuilles pennées, généralement triternées ; les fleurs sont régulières, à sépales ovales; le coloris en est blanc plus ou moins pur. Elle fut introduite, il y a plus d'un siècle, en même temps que la variété C. florida fl. pl. à fleurs pleines qui n’a guère été surpassée depuis lors par les soi-disant nouveautés qui sont venues prendre sa place. On cite quelques variétés à fleurs pleines de couleur bleuâtre ou mauve : nous doutons qu’elles appartiennent franchement à l'espèce C. florida.
Magazine (1877) Page(s) 259, 268. p. 259: ...le Clematis florida plena dont les fleurs ont au centre une rosette blanc-verdâtre d'organes pétaloïdes...
p. 268: Clematis florida flore pleno, indica flore pleno, atragène (Thunb.); Japon; blanc.
Book (1872) Page(s) 98. C. FLORIDA PLENA (Hort.).-This variety exactly resembles the type in respect to habit and foliage. The flowers also are similar in size and colour, being of a creamy white, more or less pure according to freeness of development, but they differ in having, in place of the purplish stamens, a much larger central tuft of petaloid subulate organs, forming a central rosette of a greenish-white hue, this rosette remaining persistent after the sepals have fallen away. Though a pretty plant, it is not so handsome as C. Sieboldii, which in many respects resembles it, but has the advantage of contrast of colour in the central tuft of petaloid filaments. A figure of this form is given in Jacquin's Plantarum Rariorum Horti Schoenbrunnensis Descriptiones et Icones (t. 357).
Magazine (1868) Page(s) 298. LES SQUARES ET LES MARCHÉS DE PARIS. PAR M. Delchevalerie , Chef de culture au fleuriste de Paris. août 1868. .... On remarque aussi en ce moment plusieurs Clématites en fleurs d'un très-bel effet dans les jardins : ce sont la Clématite bicolore Clematis bicolor DC.; la C. bleue odorante, C. cœrulea odorata Hort. ; la C. crispée, C. crispa Lin.; la C. cylindrique, C. cylindrica Sims; la C. blanche odorante, C. flammula Lin. ; la C. à grande fleur, C. florida Thunb. ; la C. à grande fleur double, C. florida fl. pleno Sieb. ; la C. laineuse, C. lanuginosa ; la C. de Virginie, C. virginiana Lin. ; la Cl. des haies, C. vitalba Lin. ; la C. à fleur bleue, C. cœrulea Lin. ; les variétés à grande fleur double bleue, pourpre, violette, etc.