'Franziska Marie' clematis Reviews & Comments
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21 JUL 15 by
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Available from - Bluestone Perennials http://www.bluestoneperennials.com
I've had Franziska Maria planted since fall 2008 and am now finally seeing a bloom. It could have been my hard pruning to grow a better root system that kept her from blooming the first couple years though. She seems to act more like a group one to me, but we'll see now. She has smaller flowers than I have read about, only about 4 inches across, but they are a gorgeous purple color in my garden. I have her growing with a Westerland climbing rose. Except for the first couple of years in the garden, do not hard prune her until after her initial flowering. I don't note any fragrance, but that's ok. I just wish she would have more quantity of blooms. She is definitely not a vigorous grower. She's only about 3 ft tall even now. I've only seen a few buds, but maybe she will get better with age, just like a fine wine. Well, it's now 2011 and she's just as slow to grow as before and doesn't impress me. I've tried cutting her to the ground a few times and no more vines. Still only 3 ft tall. No blooms so far either. What a shame. I guess I'll pot her up or more than likely shovel prune her in spring for a more vigorous and floriferous group 3.