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'Purple Eden ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 125-187
most recent 22 JAN 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 JAN 21 by eihblin
...And I am indeed grateful to all of you for being so thoughtful and helpful!!!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 22 JAN 21 by ....
Discussion id : 124-979
most recent 22 JAN 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 13 JAN 21 by eihblin
Another question: does this rose actually grow to be 120 cm (about 4 feet) tall?
Reply #1 of 6 posted 13 JAN 21 by Plazbo
Mine has not come close to 120cm, closer to 60cm at most. It's not a strong grower and tends to die back often. It's about 7 years old now, maybe it's just a weak plant and other plants of it grow better, maybe it just needs a lot more attention than average.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 14 JAN 21 by eihblin
Thank you, Plazbo. I see you're in Australia-a warm climate, right? Basically your statement confirms what I've read about this rose-that it isn't exactly vigorous This is why I asked about the estimate of the size on the description page of this rose; frankly 120 cms seems far too optimistic. I hope others will weigh in...
Reply #3 of 6 posted 21 JAN 21 by ....
Reply #4 of 6 posted 21 JAN 21 by Patricia Routley
The American Patent quotes a height of 66-80cm and a width of 54-72cm.
We increased the height on the Comment from Nola 7 Sep 2018 wherein she said “Heirloom Roses website lists Ebb Tide as zone 5 (-20 to -10 degrees) and 4x4 for size.” So HelpMeFind is now quoting a height of 60-120cm and a width of 120cm. I note the 2015 Swiss Nursery in Western Australia are quoting a height of 100cm. It seems the rose may be quite variable in different soils and conditions.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 21 JAN 21 by ....
Reply #6 of 6 posted 22 JAN 21 by Patricia Routley
No no it didn’t Veilchenblau. Not at all. We are indeed grateful for all opinions as it helps to sort out discrepancies. I have no doubt that the average height is much lower than 120cm. .
Discussion id : 125-075
most recent 21 JAN 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 18 JAN 21 by eihblin
How thorny is this rose?
Reply #1 of 6 posted 18 JAN 21 by Patricia Routley
The Patent says “absent or very few” thorns.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 18 JAN 21 by Give me caffeine
The photos seem to back that up. Looks similar to Cecile Brunner (ie: a few sizable thorns, well-spaced out). Which means it will spike you if you're not careful, but should be easy to work with.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 21 JAN 21 by Plazbo
I have it and yes, very few thorns.

OP seed (assume it self pollenates easily given the lack of diversity) often entirely devoid of thorns.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 21 JAN 21 by ....
Reply #5 of 6 posted 21 JAN 21 by eihblin
Thank you so much. The plant I have has quite a few thorns on the thick "main" canes; the few thinner shoots do not have nearly as many...
Reply #6 of 6 posted 21 JAN 21 by ....
Discussion id : 122-824
most recent 4 AUG 20 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 4 AUG 20 by eihblin
How does this rose compare with Twilight Zone?I have both, in pots, and have to decide where to place them in my garden...
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