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Bergeson Nursery
'Bergeson Nursery'  photo
Photo courtesy of Bergeson Nursery
Rose (retail) Nursery   Owned by Eric Bergeson.  

Listing last updated on Mon Mar 2025
Catalog: Printed.
4177 County Highway 1
Fertile, Minnesota 56540
United States
USDA Zone: 3b (-35 to -30 F / -37.2 - 34.5 C)
218-945-6988  [Information]
218-945-6988  [Ordering]
Although we are not a mail order business, we don't mind mailing out a few bare root roses now and then.

Our wholesale source for bare root roses is Bailey Nurseries. They generally have good quality. All roses except Persian Yellow and Harison's Yellow are own-root. Unfortunately, since we don't propagate our own roses, we cannot offer extremely hard-to-find varieties. If for some reason you want bare root roses in multiples of 10, I could special order any variety that Bailey's carries and give you a better price. Call us and ask for Joe.

We can only ship in April and May.

Prices as of spring 2012: $18.50 per rose, plus $7.50 per package for handling, plus the actual cost of postage, which we don't know until after we take it to the post office or UPS.

We can also provide home-grown raspberry plants and a few other small-fruit type of things that are easy to mail.
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