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Germain's (Germain Seed & Plant Co.)
Discussion id : 49-381
most recent 3 NOV 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 NOV 10 by Unregistered Guest
Hey, hey,

I have a picture (approx. 14" X 18") of a waterfall for a Germain's Garden City Nursery, dated 1947. William Arther Schunck designed the waterfall and supervised its construction. A guy named "Mr. Meyberg" is mentioned as having named the falls "Happy Falls". I also have small black and white pictures of what may be Germain's Nursery when it snowed in Van Nuys(?).
Is any of this stuff related to Germain's Seed and Plant Company as you know it?

Richard Clark
Discussion id : 43-069
most recent 9 MAR 10 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 MAR 10 by rabit5
I found a packet of " wild flowers of the west " in a richfield package packed for the 1940 season and stamped for a service station in Kelso Wa. / its in good shape and was wondering if there is a value to it you may know about - any info ?
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