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Inter-State Nurseries
Discussion id : 168-134
most recent 9 AUG HIDE POSTS
Initial post 9 AUG by Michael Garhart
Did Interstate become Burgess, then absorbed by Gurney's??? Am I following this right?
Discussion id : 38-302
most recent 30 JUL 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 JUL 09 by ladybug
Beware when ordering from this company. I ordered the Rhode Island Red, planted it, and it come up as something completely different. I don't know what it is. I gave them another chance and ordered five roses from them, and everyone of them died. Since they wouldn't replace the RIR because I didn't save their little green back with info, I remembered to keep it this time. They re-sent the roses, but everyone of them was not tagged and arrived already black. Everyone of them was dead. I will not be dealing with this company again.
Loretta Messer
Discussion id : 35-620
most recent 14 APR 09 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 APR 09 by a_carl76
If you are looking for inexpensive roses this is the place to get them. However, be very careful because the quality of the plant is not great and many times they are mislabeled.
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