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De Zeeuwse Rozentuin / Zeeuwse Oase
Discussion id : 134-049
most recent 7 AUG 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 7 AUG 22 by Eirose
From the website: the Zeeland Rose Garden is now called the Zeeland Oasis. Look at They state that they ship across the EU, but I couldn't checkout to see if that includes the Republic of Ireland.
Discussion id : 68-879
most recent 19 DEC 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 19 DEC 12 by Jay-Jay
Last summer 2012, the nursery display garden was a bit neglected and the weeds stood at a lot of places very high. But still there was a lot to be seen:
Discussion id : 68-842
most recent 18 DEC 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 18 DEC 12 by Jay-Jay
They also sell Clematisses.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 18 DEC 12 by jedmar
Clematis are also listed. Set the button on the upper left corner of the tab "Plants for sale" to "Clematis"
Reply #2 of 2 posted 18 DEC 12 by Jay-Jay
Thank You.
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