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Sunrise Flowers International
Discussion id : 107-685
most recent 31 JAN 18 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 31 JAN 18 by billy teabag
Sunrise Flowers International Ltd. was an enterprise of Peter Gibson and Paddy Elphick based in a northern Perth (western Australia) suburb in the late 1900s. The 'Kooiana' series of roses (including the lovely 'Kooiana Daybreak') were patented and introduced through this company.
Two of the Kooiana roses were also offered under synonyms as commemorative and fund-raising roses, eg as is already noted on HMF, 'Kooiana Moonlight' was offered as Guildford Grammar School's 'Guildfordian' and 'Kooiana Butterscotch' was St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls' commemorative rose, named 'St. Hilda's'.
Their 'Glorious Heritage' was donated as a rose to commemorate the International Year of Older Persons (1999) and a competition to decide the eventual name was won by 79-year-old Mrs Florence Glasgow of North Beach, Perth.
In the light of this I am wondering whether 'Sid's Rose' might have been donated to raise funds for the Sudden Infant Death Syndrome research foundation. I can find nothing to support this (or anything else about the rose) but will add anything relevant about this rose, Sunrise Flowers, Peter Gibson and Paddy Elphick that comes to light.
Peter Gibson has a profile here at HMF, but Paddy Elphick doesn't. A day's Googling has failed to turn up much in the way of useful biographical material. Of interest is that in 1981 he won a Churchill Fellowship to study developments in the cultivation, disease control, irrigation and marketing techniques, in the growing of proteaceous plants for the International flower trade – Sth Africa, UK, Holland.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 31 JAN 18 by Patricia Routley
Peter Gibson was a long-time cardio-thoracic surgeon at Royal Perth Hospital.

The Australian Rose Annual 1981 page 27 commemorating The T. A. Stewart Memorial Award 1980 says Dr. H. R. (Bob) Elphick was awarded a C.B.E. for his outstanding service to Thoracic and General Medicine.

I can imagine these two men knew each other well and talked roses over open chests and beating hearts.
See also the ARA 2006, page 74 for Dr. Elphick's obituary, written by Jean and Arthur Waghorn. I am sure they will know if Paddy Elphick was Dr. Elphick - or perhaps his wife?
Reply #2 of 3 posted 31 JAN 18 by billy teabag
Thanks very much Patricia.
(and having spent a bit of time in op theatres when I was younger, I can well imagine the scene you paint.)
Reply #3 of 3 posted 31 JAN 18 by Margaret Furness
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