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Planteck International Inc
Introduction Year
—  2017  —
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Intersectional Hybrid / Itoh.  Yellow, orange shading, light pink highlights.  Double bloom form.   Thierry Rat (2017).

Please help: We need your photo of this peony.

Intersectional Hybrid / Itoh.  Lilac, lighter edges.  Single to semi-double bloom form.   Thierry Rat (2017).

E,L,N,O,P,T,VSoleil d'Ambre

Intersectional Hybrid / Itoh.  Light yellow, amber shading, light pink edges, pink shading.  Mild fragrance.  Medium, double bloom form.  Early-to-early mid.  
Height: 28" to 31" (70 to 80cm).  Width: up to 39" (up to 100cm). Thierry Rat (2017).

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