Antique Rose Emporium (Brenham, Texas)
Initial post
13 MAY 22 by
Antique Rose Emporium carries a number of roses which are unknown to HMF: Always Dream Always Hope Femme Fatale Grandbaby Heavenly Ascent Pink Magnolia Ray Ponton Royal Sunrise Southern Sweet Tea Twilight Princess Vicomtesse Decaux Wicked Sister 1000 Wishes Who can shed a light on these?
These are Pioneer Roses, bred and/or discovered by ARE, and presumably exclusive to them.
Super healthy roses. Very large size for own root. Selection of old garden roses is fabulous. Lots of OG Tea-Noisette Roses. Super helpful staff. Five Stars all around! Also, they were willing to work with me after I missed the one month long window for shipping to my state. That was a nice surprise, and during their busy season to boot (probably their busy season I think?) I wouldn't expect they would have time for that, but they pulled it off and I got all the climbing roses I could fit in my city lot, all in my very first year growing roses. I can't wait to watch them grow as we move into spring and summer. Oh, and they did not charge me extra for the rigorous (expensive) phyto certs and prep required for shipping to my state. I have nothing but praise for ARE. Like I say, 5 stars all around!
I do really like this business overall, their website is easy to order from, they have a great selection, and their plants are usually top notch. I have had one dud from them- a crimson glory climber that got pampered along with the rest of my order last year, but it "grew backwards" all last summer to the point that now that there is only about 4" of living green cane left on it, I decided that if it doesn't pull through this spring it just isn't worth putting up a fuss to have it replaced- no biggie, the rest of the plants I have gotten from them are thriving.
However, the thing that I will remember from my most recent interaction with ARE was the woman's sour tone on the phone with me. I called to inquire about the shipping date of my most recent order and I received some very snarky, abrupt replies to my questions that left me feeling insulted. I'm sorry but if you do almost all your business over the internet or phone your phone voice better at least be professional if not airing on the side of pleasant, I don't care how busy you are. In summer of 2014 I purchased 20 roses from ARE, and at $20 a pop, spread out over a few orders, with shipping and all I spent over $500. This most recent order of 5 roses cost $100+ $35 shipping, which will push my total amount spent with ARE to over $650 dollars, in just the last 8 months, I think you could say that I am a good customer & I don't deserve anyone being snarky to me on the phone for asking a simple question. Just FYI, when you choose your shipping date from the drop down menu when placing an order, those dates are NOT to be taken literally, they MIGHT email you your actual shipping date several days later, if you're lucky. I placed my order last Sunday, it is now Thursday & I still haven't gotten any emails about my ship date, the ship date I selected from their order form was Monday- 3 days ago. I know they are shipping today only because I called to ask. So unless you feel up to calling this unpleasant person to find out your actual date you will be left in the dark for quite a while.
Thank you for sharing your experience with us; it's very helpful. I hope sharing your experience with our rose community will encourage them to contact you. Given their otherwise excellent rating on HMF I would be surprised if that were not the case.
Initial post
23 JAN 07 by
couriosity prompts me to ask if your garden might have been operational in Dahlonega ga in the late 1960's. If so, I bought roses there which are in a beautiful garden in memphis. Unfortunatly I no longer have the garden or the wife. Only friends who have a cottage in Dahloega. Thanks ..........jim
#1 of 1 posted
23 JAN 09 by
Kat Lee
I've always wondered about the Dahlonega Garden too! I went there in the 90's and they were still selling roses, but someone told me that its a private residence now. They had amazing garden rooms. Rose Tunnels. Who owns this place?