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Alamode rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
Uploaded 15 JUL
BnB rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
Uploaded 24 OCT 16
Belles and Beaus rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
Photo taken July 2, 2022
Uploaded 2 JUL 22
Mighty Moe rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
Uploaded 29 JUL 13
From Where I Stand rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 15 NOV 16
Scott rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
Uploaded 29 JUL 13
Jan and Rick rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
Uploaded 15 NOV 16
Scott rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of John_Mitchie
Uploaded 29 JUL 13
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