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J. Parmentier Roses
Discussion id : 14-014
most recent 14 SEP 06 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 SEP 06 by Dilys Xavier


I live in England, UK.

Please can you help me find a firm who can supply PEACE hybrid tea Rose to a friend, as a gift from me.

She lives in Adam's basin, near Rochester, NY. 


Dilys Xavier              

Reply #1 of 2 posted 14 SEP 06 by Jim Delahanty

You might try the following nursery for quotes on prices and delivery service:


J E. Miller Nurseries, Inc.

They are located in New York State where Rochester is located. 

Good luck.  JD

Reply #2 of 2 posted 14 SEP 06 by Dilys Xavier

Good Morning, James,

Thank you very much for your advice to try Millernurseries.

I have done that now, and placed my order. They will send two Peace roses to my friend, in Adam's Basin, in Rochester, in the spring. She had no idea such a gorgeous bloom existed until I told her about it.

Many thanks for your invaluable help,

Dilys, in Essex, England, UK

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