'Céleste' rose References
Newsletter (2005) Page(s) 28, Vol 26, No. 3. [From "I'm Not Mad, I Just Hate You", by Dr. Ronni Cohen-Sandler] ....Nancy [Lindsay's] catalgoues were outstanding jewels among their kind. For the sheer poetry of her descriptions readers were willing to overlook the many spelling mistakes, and they were doubtless exceptionally effective sales tools.
'Amelia'. An elegy from the battlefield of Minden, near on two centuries ago, the lovely mist-green foliage and silken rose-madder petals still grace the ancient owl-green stones of Winchester's cathedral precincts.
I also feel strangely compelled (and delighted) to mention that it is not 'Amelia', but an Alba rose of very similar appearance, Celestial, that is known as the 'Minden Rose'.
Book (2002) Page(s) 31. Before 1797. Rated 8.5
Book (2000) Page(s) 151. Includes photo(s). ‘Celestial’/’Céleste’ = Alba… les artistes l’ont peinte bien des fois, tels Redouté et Alfred Parsons, illutrateur de The Genus Rosa … corolle semi-double, à 4 ou 5 rangs de pétales d’un lumineux rose nacré, en parfaite harmonie avec le gris plombé de son feuillage de juin… se plaît même en sol médiocre et à mi-ombre. Mieux vaut le pas le tailler trop, sans quoi il ne produit que des feuilles… Avant 1848. Ascendance inconnue. RHS Award of Garden Merit 1993.
Article (magazine) (Jun 1999) Page(s) 26. Includes photo(s).
Book (Nov 1998) Page(s) 26. Alba. Description. Don't prune bush low or they'll spend the next season reaching the height at which they're comfortable before blossoming.
Book (1997) Page(s) 186. Celestial ('Celeste') Alba. Very ancient. Description and cultivation... flowers: soft pink...
Book (1995) Page(s) 57. Includes photo(s).
Book (1994) Page(s) 169. Gertrude Jekyll's donkey, Jack, once ate the side off a large plant of [Celestial], and Vita Sackville-West once observed that if she had to settle for just one alba it would be 'Celestial.' These were both great authorities on roses. Others prefer 'Maiden's Blush' or (as the French call it) 'Cuisse de Nymphe Emue,' which is to say the thigh of a passionate nymph. It is quite similar to 'Celestial,' perhaps more a bluish color....
Book (Nov 1993) Page(s) 24. Includes photo(s). Soft pink ... definitely performs better in light or dappled shade.
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 111. Includes photo(s). Céleste ('Celestial') Alba. Description... an especially delicate clear shade of pink...