'Elgin Festival' rose References
Website/Catalog (2018) Includes photo(s). (Auspoly) Charlotte Bears exquisite flowers of a soft yellow colour. These start off beautifully cupped, later opening out to form rosettes. Each bloom is packed with numerous small petals, arranged around a classic button eye. T here is a pleasant Tea fragrance. It forms a compact, bushy shrub, with even, upright growth. David Austin, 1993. [...] Dedicated to Charlotte, one of David Austin’s granddaughters.
Book (2002) Page(s) 32. Not rated
Book (2000) Page(s) 157. Includes photo(s). ‘Charlotte’/’Elgin Festival’/AUSpoly: Arbuste. jaune tendre, en coupe… presque globuleuse en fin d’été - et au parfum exquis… arbuste bien ramifié, buissonnant et sain… En Afrique du Sud, il porte le nom de ‘Elgin Festival’, du nom de festival de roses qui se tient chaque année à Elgin, à une heure de route du Cap. Austin, 1993
Website/Catalog (4 Jan 1999) Page(s) 12. Includes photo(s). Charlotte (AUSpoly) English Rose. Description... Named to honor the most popular girl's name in Britain (as of 1993)... 3 1/2-inch, deeply cupped, globular flowers are a soft buttery yellow... With age, the outer petals whiten while the center remains lemon yellow...
Website/Catalog (22 Dec 1998) Page(s) 21. Includes photo(s). Charlotte (AUSpoly) Austin 1993... one of the best yellow English Roses... Unlike 'Graham Thomas' and 'The Pilgrim', which in warm climates grow as climbers, 'Charlotte' stays a relatively discrete five feet. The deeply cupped blooms are buttery yellow and sweetly fragrant...
Website/Catalog (24 Oct 1998) Page(s) 19. Includes photo(s).
Book (1998) Page(s) 13. AUSpoly Shrub, light yellow, 1994, ('Charlotte'; 'Elgin Festival'); Seedling x 'Graham Thomas'; Austin, David. Description.
Book (1997) Page(s) 84, 85. Includes photo(s). Page 84: Charlotte Description and cultivation... a pure, soft, buttery yellow. The outer petals fade to almost white, while the centers remain lemon yellow... Parentage: ('Chaucer' x 'Conrad Ferdinand Meyer') x 'Graham Thomas'... Page 85: [Photo]