Magazine (2002) Page(s) 21.Vol 96, Part 1. Nicholas Dodson Coleman Sings the Praise of the Single Rose. For a climbing single / semi double HT I would suggest taking a look at 'Cupid'. This is another Cant's variety of unknown lineage, this time dating from 1915. Although it's not over generous with its large salmon-pink flowers, displaying large golden anthers, they are really quite delightful. Each flowering stem tip produces two or three blooms and it is said to be occasionally remontant although again not with me. It does though produce good orange hips and has been said to have a fragrance reminiscent of raspberries... well perhaps on a good day with a little imagination.
Book (2000) Page(s) 187. Includes photo(s). ‘Cupid’ = Grimpant à grandes fleurs…’immenses églantines d’un rose infiniment doux, lavé de pêche et éclaboussé de jaune par une gerbe d’étamines… solitaires… larges feuilles… gros fruits orangés… Robuste et érigé… rameaux raides… Cant, UK, 1915.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 187. Includes photo(s). Cupid Large-flowered Climber. Cant (UK) 1915. Description... very large, cupped flowers... pale pink tinted with peach...
Book (1996) Page(s) 28. Cupid Climber; cupped single peach pink blooms with gold stamens... Certificate of Merit 1915. B.R. Cant, England, 1915.
Book (1995) Page(s) 43. Grows at Sissinghurst.
Book (Nov 1994) Page(s) 245. Cupid Cant (UK) 1915. Description... light peach pink, very large and nearly single, with crinkled petals, showing good stamens...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 119. Cupid Climbing Hybrid Tea, glowing flesh tinted peach, single, 1915, Cant, B.R. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 138. Includes photo(s). Cupid Large-flowered climber. Parentage: unknown. England 1915. Description and cultivation... Producers beautiful, large, sweetly smalling, single blooms. The petals are a soft, peachy pink and the flower has pronounced stamens... [Moody says it repeats]
Book (1993) Page(s) 115. Includes photo(s). A climbing Hybrid Tea. Cant (Britain) 1915. Summer flowering, with good hips in autumn. Height: 15 ft. Good scent.
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 208. Cupid B.R. Cant, 1915. Hybrid Tea. [Author cites several sources.]