'Cynthia Brooke' rose References
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 138. Includes photo(s). Cynthia Brooke Large-flowered. McGredy 1942. Parentage: 'Le Progrès' x ('Madame Mélanie Soupert' x 'Le Progrès'). Description... a blend of varying amounts of gold and salmon-pink... named for a friend of the McGredy family...
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 120. Cynthia Brooke Hybrid Tea, yellow blend, 1943, 'Le Progres' x ('Mme. Mélanie Soupert' x 'Le Progres'); McGredy. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 138. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (1986) Page(s) 15. Cynthia Brooke..... 2 x 2’.
Article (website) (1982) Page(s) 14. Cynthia Brooke (Hybrid Tea). Tubby but pointed flowers of tawny-yellow flushed pink on a strong but bushy plant. Leathery foliage. 1943. (C) 3 x 3’.
Book (1971) Page(s) 154. Cynthia Brooke 1946. An unusually deep ochre-yellow hybrid tea. Completely unfading.
Book (1961) Page(s) 114. W. C. Thorn. What's in a Name. 'Cynthia Brooke' was named for the wife of the Prime Minister of Northern Ireland. She is now Viscountess Brookeborough, and a very keen rose grower.
Book (1953) Page(s) 132. Frank Mason, Feilding N.Z. Some Newer Roses. Cynthia Brooke, with buff on the yellow ground is a rose that is worth while. It makes a really good standard and the flowers are better when thus grown than on the dwarf.
Website/Catalog (1949) Page(s) 5. Novelty Roses 1949. Cynthia Brooke (HT. McGredy 1942) Large globular double blooms of coppery yellow with a light salmon reverse. They carry 40 petals and are borne on very thorny stems. Growth is good. 3/6 each.
Book (1943) Page(s) 14. R. Marion Hatton. The World's New Roses We are just getting two of MeGredy's, which you may already have - Cynthia Brooke and B. W. Price, two more of McGredy's beautiful flowers on woozy plants. The former has 4 inch open flowers of soft golden yellow, with a pinkish reverse. The petals have interesting wavy edges. Fragrance is again very mild.... it is about time the McGredy's paid more attention to their plants.