'Rosier du Bengale' rose Photos
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From "Description des plantes nouvelles et peu connues", by E. P. Ventenat, 1800, plate 35: Expl. des fig. 1, Pétale. 2, Fleur dont la corolle a été enlevée pour montrer l'insertion des étamines. 3, Calice coûpé longitudinalement pour montrer les ovaires libres. 4, Un ovaire séparé, pour faire voir la forme des styles et des stigmates.
Courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 14 APR |
illustration from Études de fleurs et de fruits: peints d'après nature par Madame Vincent et gravé par Lambert aîné; scan courtesy of the Illinois State Library
Uploaded 20 DEC 23 |
illustration by Alfred Parsons from Ellen Willmott's 'The Genus Rosa', 1910-1914; scan courtesy of Biodiversity Heritage Library
Uploaded 25 MAR |
June 9, 2023 at Rozentuin Coloma, Belgium
Uploaded 20 JUN 23 |
From "Lyon horticole" July 1907, Nr. 13, p. 255
Courtesy of BnF Gallica
Uploaded 8 FEB 24 |
Photographed in Amparo, Southern Leyte on June 2nd, 2023
Uploaded 2 JUN 23 |
14 Jan 2024 Cavite, Philippines
Uploaded 28 JAN 24 |
?’Slater’s Crimson China’ Own roots at Northcliffe, W.A. Mar 21, 2023. Provenance BW as a small rooted plant through the mail in 2013 “what’s sold as Slaters here”-> Lustgarten-25a. Six tiny prickles on main cane.
Uploaded 21 MAR 23 |
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