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'Mary Guthrie' rose References
Book  (5 Apr 2010)  
'Mary Guthrie' Pol, mp, 1929, Clark, A.; flowers rich pink, small, single, borne in large clusters, moderate fragrance; foliage light; bushy (2½ ft.) growth. [Jersey Beauty × Scorcher]
Introductions: NRS Victoria
Book  (2010)  Page(s) 89.  Includes photo(s).
Mary Guthrie, born in 1915 at her parents’ home……
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 46 47.  
p47. Australian bred R. gigantea Hybrids. A review as at October 2006 by Laurie Newman (Australian registrar). The findings below are based on research of some of the writings of Alister Clark between 1924 and 1942. There are anomalies contained in the papers, but on balance I believe the list to be conclusive.
Firstly, there are the three listed in American Rose (Sept, 2006, page 9, namely,
Courier (MR11 LCl.)
Kitty Kininmonth (MR11 LCl.) and
Tonner’s Fancy (MR11 LCl.)
Add ……..etc. and
‘Scorcher’ (MR11 Cl. HT) (Pollen parent should be R. gigantea)
Add ‘Scorcher’ Seedlings:
Mary Guthrie etc.....
……My thanks are expressed to American Rose Society for inviting me to submit to the revised Gigantea Hybrid classification.
Book  (30 Sep 1999)  Page(s) 11.  
Mary Guthrie – 1929. Jersey Beauty x Scorcher. Cluster Flowered Bush rose. Single, slightly fragrant, rich pink flowers in large clusters, golden yellow stamens, fully recurrent. Light grey-green foliage, broad leaflets. Spreading growth. Flower: 5 to 7 petals, 70 mm, 11 to 22. Bush: 1 m x 1.25 m.
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 59.  
Mary Guthrie. Clark, Australia. 1929. Polyantha. Pink. (Available from): Cottage, Country Farm, Golden Vale, Gretchen, Hedgerow, Hilltop, John’s World, Lyn Park, Melville, Mistydown, Nieuwesteeg, Rose Arbour, Roses Galore, Spring Park, Stoneman’s, Thomas.
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 400.  Includes photo(s).
Mary Guthrie. Modern. Polyantha. Medium Pink. Repeat-flowering. This rose has single flowers with prominent stamens. The fragrant blooms come in small to large clusters and are cerise in color. They flower profusely and continuously, and the foliage is a rather dull green on a low, stocky plant. It is disease resistant. Zones 5-11. Clark, Australia 1929. ‘Jersey Beauty’ x ‘Scorcher’.
Website/Catalog  (1998)  Page(s) 10.  
Hyb. Polyantha. 1929. A. Clark/Aust. Semi ground-cover. Single. Stamens Prominent. Slightly fragrant. Recurrent/Continuous. 0.8m x 1.0m medium pink.
Website/Catalog  (1997)  Page(s) 6.  
Mary Guthrie. 1929 Hybrid Tea. (Jersey Beauty x Scorcher). Deep pink single blooms, fading with age. Fragrant and very free-flowering. Moderate bush to 1¼ m.
Magazine  (1997)  Page(s) 28. Vol 19. No. 1.  
Elizabeth and Andrew Govanstone, Portland, Victoria “The Women Behind the Roses” ….Friends from Alister and Edie’s generation [who had roses named after them] include …. Mrs. Frank Guthrie (1923) and her daughter, Mary (Mary Guthrie, 1929)
Book  (1997)  Includes photo(s).
p107 Gradually the collection grew. We had some notable visitors to the garden. From Eve I had got a vivid pink, single bush rose which she had called ‘Ella Guthrie’. One morning a delightful, white-haired, sprightly old lady of well over eighty visited us and, without any preamble, demanded to see the Alister Clark roses. I walked down with her and, as we came through the gate, she gave a cry of delight and started to run across the grass. ‘That’s me!’ she cried. ‘That’s me!’ Then, as she read the label saying ‘Ella Guthrie’ she turned to me in disgust. ‘That’s not ‘Ella,’ she said emphatically. ‘She was my aunt, and a poor, washed-out thing, like her rose. This is me! Mary Guthrie! Alister said it looked like a wild rose, so he called it after me, because I was always the wild one of the family.’. Of course, I changed the label without delay. We had another rose correctly named and verified.

p252 Mary Guthrie – 1929. ‘Jersey Beauty’ x ‘Scorcher’ (one of Clark’s). small, single, open fragrant, vibrant lipstick-pink flowers in clusters on a low-growing bush. Our plant confirmed by Mary Guthrie herself.
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