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Bengale Bichonne rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Histoire des Roses" by Charles Malo, 1818, pl. 12
Uploaded 7 OCT 16
Bengale Bichon rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of CybeRose
Roses: A Monograph (1822), fasc. 39, tab 70 H. C. Andrews ROSA Indica incurva. Incurved Indian Rose. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS. ROSA germinibus globosis glabris, pedunculisque hispidis: floribus purpureis: petalis apice flavescentibus, incurvatis: petiolis aculeatis: foliolis ternis vel quinis, plerumque ternis, oblongis, acuminatis, serratis, lucidis: caule viridi, glabro, ad basin spinoso. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. ROSE with round smooth seed-buds: peduncles hispid: flowers purple: the petals are yellowish at the ends, which are incurved: the petioles are prickly: leaflets from three to five, mostly by threes, oblong, sharp-pointed, sawed, and shining: stem green, smooth, and thorny towards the base. WE have noticed this Rose for the last eight years, and always considered it as an abortive rose that would return to a more perfect state: but finding the irregular, incurved and unequal expansion of its petals still remain unaltered, no further doubt remains of its being a permanent character. The continual succession of its flowers, joined to their very distinct appearance, will always make it deserving a place amongst the hardiest Chinese Roses. The specific title by which it is well known is Bischon or Bichon's Rose, originally imported from France, and by some said to be called after a professor of that name, but of which we believe there is no authentication. It is to be met with in almost every collection.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 4 FEB 14
Bengale Bichonne rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Histoire des Roses" by Charles Malo, 1818, pl. 12 (top). The rose at the bottom is Rose thé.
Uploaded 7 OCT 16
R. indica pannosa rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ulf Eliasson
From Redouté, Les Roses 1817-1824
Uploaded 21 DEC 13
<i>Rosa indica bichonia</i> rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of jedmar
From "Annalen der Blumisterei", 1827. Courtesy of
Uploaded 16 SEP 16
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