'New Century' rose Photos
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Foto taken in my collection 2014 Wygledy, Poland
Uploaded 7 APR 16 |
July, Taxinge Sweden
Uploaded 21 JUN 11 |
Rosarium Dortmund, Germany, August 2011
Uploaded 30 AUG 11 |
Arvid`s garden, Lista, southwestern coast of Norway, the 7th of July 2010. So far not a vigorous grower in my garden, but the flowers are of a lovely oldfashioned type a bit reminding of Terese Bugnet, with a lovely scent. I am waiting for it to grow bigger. The red roses in the background are F. J Grootendorst.
Uploaded 22 JUL 10 |
Rosarium Dortmund, Germany, August 2011
Uploaded 30 AUG 11 |
Juli - 09 Västerås/Sweden
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 2 AUG 09 |
Arvid`s garden Lista. The 2nd of July 2011.
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 22 AUG 11 |
Arvid`s garden Lista south western coast of Norway late September 2008.This being a hybrid rugosa, the foliage seems to differ a bit from that of the ordinary rugosas It looks sort of neater and has a lighter green colour. It was planted in my garden in the spring of 2008 and the development of this plant has been quite satisfactory for the first year also when it comes to repeat flowering.
1 favorite vote. |
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