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'Cooper's Burmese' rose References
Article (magazine)  (Nov 2015)  Page(s) 1623.  
Furthermore, the origin of R. x cooperii (sample no. 43) is still in dispute. R. x cooperii is thought to be a seedling of R. laevigata (Beales, 1985), or a natural hybrid between a seed parent, R. odorata var. gigantea, and a pollen parent, R. laevigata (Young and Schorr, 2007). However, on the basis of our cpDNA molecular data, it formed a clade with R. odorata var. gigantea (Synstylae-Chinenses clade), rather than being clustered with R. laevigata (Fig. 1). This result suggests that the seed parent of R. ·cooperii might not be R. laevigata considering the maternal inheritance of cpDNA in Rosa (Matsumoto et al., 1998). Meanwhile, since this species was also not clustered with R. odorata var. gigantea in the Synstylae-Chinenses clade, it could not be confirmed whether the seed parent of R. ·cooperii is R. odorata var. gigantea, but is possibly a parent from R. sects. Synstylae and Chinenses.
Magazine  (2015)  Page(s) 196. Vol 43, No.2.  
Marsh, David, An Amateurish Effort? The Foundation of the National Botanic Gardens of Burma, 1914-1922.
There is one permanent reminder of Cooper's short time n Maymyo. Charlotte [Lady Wheeler-Cuffe] had collected a climbing white cluster rose from the Kutkai plateau in the northern Shan states which Cooper thought might be 'new' but was certainly 'beautiful and curious'. She had planted it in her own garden and Cooper sent seeds gathered from it to Glasnevin and Edinburgh. Graham Stuart Thomas thought it closely related to Rosa odorata but with darker red twigs and thorns. More recently it was thought to be a naturally occurring hybrid between Rosa gigantea and Rosa laevigata and it is listed in the RHS Plantfinder as Rosa cooperi (Cooper's Burma rose).
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 176-177.  
‘Cooper’s Burmese’ /’Gigantea Cooperi’ /Rosa x cooperi = Laevigata… à réserver aux climats doux… grandes églantines blanc crème, au parfum délicat… les rameaux épineux peuvent s’étirer sur 6 à 7m… grandes feuilles émeraude… Il fut cultivé pour la première fois en Europe par Roland Cooper, directeur du Jardin botanique d’Edimbourg, en Ecosse, qui avait recueilli la graine en Birmanie. Cooper, UK, 1927. Peut-être Rosa laevigata x Rosa gigantea.
Website/Catalog  (Oct 1999)  Page(s) 46.  Includes photo(s).
Cooper's Burmese (R. laevigata) This fantastic, creamy-white rose must be carefully placed on a southern aspect when its glossy foliage will provide a foil for its large, single, scented flowers of immense attraction. Very vigorous. 1927.
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 126.  
[At Overbecks] A rock face forms a backdrop to the bed and on it the tender early roses, pink-flowered Rosa 'Anemone' and R. 'Cooperi', the Burma rose, both types of the Cherokee rose, R. laevigata, make a jungle of flower and foliage. The late-flowering Clematis 'Abundance' twines among the rose branches, its pinkish red nodding flowers sporting creamy stamens...
Book  (1995)  Page(s) 214.  
Cooper's Burma rose a cultivar of the 'Cherokee rose' (Rosa laevigata) with white single flowers...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 108.  
Cooper's Burmese Hybrid Laevigata, near white, single, 1927, (R. x cooperi; Gigantea Cooperi); Possibly a natural hybrid of R. gigantea x R. laevigata. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 138.  
Cooper's Burmese Rose (R. gigantea cooperi, R. x cooperi) Laevigata climber. Parentage: Possibly a spontaneous hybrid of R. gigantea x R. laevigata. Description and cultivation... Large, solitary flowers are white, later developing pink hues and spots...
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 76.  
[Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] Almost certainly a hybrid between Rosa laevigata and Rosa gigantea. Description. Hardier and freer flowering than Rosa laevigata. Repeats. Height: 15 ft. Scented.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 208.  
Cooper's Burmese Rose Cooper ?, 1927. Hybrid Gigantea? Parentage: Possibly R. laevigata x R. gigantea. [Author cites several sources.]
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