'Rosa gigantea 'Cooperii'' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Kathy Strong's Del Cerro Garden
Hybrid Laevigata, Species / Wild.
White, yellow stamens. Strong fragrance. Large, single (4-8 petals) bloom form. Once-blooming spring or summer.
Height: 15' to 33' (455 to 1005cm). Width: 15' to 20' (455 to 610cm).
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
Parentage uncertain, as Cooper's Burmese was grown from wild seed collected in Burma by Roland Cooper. See References and Questions & Comments tabs. Nurseries in the UK take the position it is a garden selection of Rosa laevigata. Bean's Trees & Shrubs Hardy In the British Isles says it is a cultivar of Rosa laevigata from seed collected in Burma by Roland Cooper and that other seedlings from the same batch of seed are definitely Rosa laevigata. Newer genetic analysis points to a different origin - see Reference of 2015. RNRS "The Rose" Autumn/Winter 2006 says the it is a Hybrid Gigantea, and the ARS classifies it as a Hybrid Gigantea.
The images posted here show only characteristics of Rosa laevigata. Genetic testing will tell the story in time.