'Molly McGredy' rose References
Magazine (2021) Page(s) 50. Vol 43, No. 4. Les Johnson. Queen Mary's Rose Garden, London. Beds are routinely replaced, although not always to the better as demonstrated by finding on the last visit that the magnificent dual beds of Molly McGredy (McGredy, 1963) on either side of the main Jubilee Gates entrance were gone. Their replacement failed to provide the same visual impact.
Website/Catalog (21 Jun 2014) Registered Name: 'Molly McGredy' Synonyms: 'Macmo' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Molly McGredy F, rb, 1969, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers medium red, reverse silver, well-formed, large, 35 petals, borne in trusses, slight fragrance; foliage dark, glossy; PP3111. [Paddy McGredy × (Mme Léon Cuny × Columbine)] Introductions: McGredy. Awards: President's International Trophy, RNRS, 1968. Gold Medal, RNRS, 1968. Gold Medal, Portland, 1971. Gold Medal, Belfast, 1971
Booklet (2008) An Information List of all Varieties. p5 1969. Molly McGredy - 63/796. Nicknamed Shy girl. For my sister.
Book (1995) Page(s) 69. Phil Gardner. Avenue Nurseries. Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Roses in New Zealand. Arabis Mosaic Virus (ArMV) has an even more interesting history. The only infection recorded in New Zealand can be traced from the Rosa rugosa understock blocks in The Netherlands to Northern Ireland and thence to New Zealand. In the change over to "High Health" material the principal source of healthy scion wood was to re-import from the raiser as close as possible to the original hybrid to minimise risk of infection. Sam McGredy, who was then in Northern Ireland, advised that his only source of 'Molly McGredy' scions was from standards budded on R. rugosa from The Netherlands which was possibly infected with ArMV
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 291. Includes photo(s). Molly McGredy (MACmo) Cluster-flowered. Sam McGredy 1969... named for his sister. Description... deep pink and white. Parentage: 'Paddy McGredy' x ('Madame Léon Cuny' x 'Columbine')
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 386. Molly McGredy Floribunda, medium red, reverse silver, 1969, (MACmo); 'Paddy McGredy' x ('Mme. Léon Cuny' x 'Columbine'); McGredy, S., IV. Description.
Book (1993) Page(s) 291. Includes photo(s).
Book (1993) Page(s) 178. Includes photo(s). A free-flowering Floribunda. McGredy (Northern Ireland) 1969. ('Paddy McGredy' x ('Mme. Léon Cuny' x 'Columbine')) Repeats. Height: 90 cm (3 ft.)
Book (1989) Page(s) 71. Mrs. Kathy Rae, Rotorua. Favourite Roses. 'Molly McGredy'. Floribunda., McGredy, 1969. This dazzling beauty, with her eye-catching colour, caught my attention on a nursery visit. I couldn't see past HT's at that stage, but Molly changed all that! The well balanced stems and glossy foliage show off the sparkling cherry red / silver colour combination to perfection. This rose has a clean, fresh appearance, holds well in all weather and has show bench quality. Sounds too good to be true!
Book (1987) Page(s) 58. Barbara Lewis. Wellington Rose Society. Ten Favourite Roses. 'Molly McGredy' (McGredy 1969) - I love to use this rose for exhibiting in stem classes - it has great impact, holds well and weathers well in the garden. The blooms are a cherry colour with a silver reverse and foliage size is always in good.proportion to the large saucer-like blooms.