'Dipper Hit ®' rose References
Website/Catalog (29 Mar 2016) Name: 'Poulbico' Synonyms: Candy Cover™, Christopher Columbus™, 'Poulbico' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Nashville™ S, rb, Olesen; flowers red with pink stripes, 3.5-4.5 cm., semi-dbl., shallow cup to flat , borne in clusters of 8 - 12, slight fragrance; recurrent; foliage dark green, semi-glossy; prickles numerous, 5 - 6 mm., deeply concave ; bushy, medium (60-100 cm.) growth; hips none; PP12491 [Unnamed seedling × Unnamed seedling]. Roses in Review: Garden Rating: 8.1 Exhibition Rating: Introductions: Candy Cover, Poulsen, 1996. Nashville, Several in U.S., 2001
Magazine (Jan 2005) Page(s) 4. 2004 Roses In Review – Floribundas & Polyanthas: Garden rating = 7.7; Show rating = 7.1; Number of reports =33 -- Blooms have good color. Nice plant with good repeat.
Article (misc) (Jul 2002) Page(s) 6. Christopher Columbus Floribunda [pb]
Book (2002) p71. Dipper. See 'Christopher Columbus' BB8 (Belle Epoque, The Netherlands).
Magazine (Jan 2001) Page(s) 3. Nashville ... 2004 Roses in Review: Top Ten Big Roses – Garden Ratings; Number of reports = 16; ratings = 8.1
Book (2000) Page(s) 163. Includes photo(s). Christopher Columbus / POUlstripe = Trapu pour un floribunda, ce rosier pourrait presque ce classer parmi les rosiers pour terrasse… en bouquets plus ou moins denses ses petites fleurs semi-doubles en coupe, aux pétales chamarrés de stries, lutte panachée entre l’écarlate, le blanc et divers tons de rose. Discrètement odorantes… feuillage fin, sombre et sain. Poulsen, Danemark, 1992.
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 163. Christopher Columbus (POUlstripe) Cluster-flowered/Floribunda. Poulsen (Denmark) 1992... pink with heavy scarlet stripes...
Website/Catalog (23 Oct 1998) Page(s) 14. Includes photo(s). Christopher Columbus (POUlbico) Floribunda. Poulsen 1992... echoes that famous old rose, 'Rosa Mundi'. Semi-double blooms of medium size which open flat to expose the striped petals of palest pink and rose red...
Book (1996) Page(s) 24. Christopher Columbus (POUstripe) Cluster-flowered (Floribunda) bush... heavily striped cerise pink, pleasing scent. 'Coppélia '76' x ('Ambassador' x 'Romantica '76'). Poulsen (Denmark) 1992
Book (1996) Page(s) 99. Includes photo(s). Christopher Columbus (POUlstripe) Cluster-flowered floribunda bush... On a blush background appear heavy markings of cerise... Named for the 500th anniversary of Columbus' landfall in what he thought were islands off the coast of India. Poulsen 1992