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'Grand Hotel ®' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 46-661
most recent 7 APR 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 10 JUL 10 by zuzu
Vintage Gardens' 'Hotel Royal' is not the same as this rose. It's listed as a 1980 Sam McGredy product. Their description is the "cameo pink shot with coral" that follows the "red" description of the color for this other 'Hotel Royal' (1972, McGredy, aka 'Grand Hotel'). I bought one a few years ago from Vintage and I'm very pleased with it. It's a vigorous climber and it is indeed "cameo pink shot with coral." The blooms are semi-double and carried in small clusters.
Reply #1 of 7 posted 12 JUL 10 by HMF Admin
Maybe Greg from Vintage can offer some insight here ?
Reply #2 of 7 posted 5 APR 16 by Michael Garhart
The other rose is 'Hotel Royal'
Reply #3 of 7 posted 5 APR 16 by zuzu
Thank you, Michael. At one time Hotel Royal was only listed as another name for Grand Hotel, but the description didn't match. I'm glad Hotel Royal now has an entry of its own..
Reply #4 of 7 posted 5 APR 16 by Michael Garhart
Thank, Patricia. She did all the ground work. I just followed up, because I noticed no reply to an un-answered dilemma :D
Reply #5 of 7 posted 5 APR 16 by zuzu
Then thank you very much, Patricia. I was finally able to add a photo to the correct entry.
Reply #6 of 7 posted 5 APR 16 by Patricia Routley
I would like to search a little more on 'Hotel Royal' - the lack of references is a little worrying - but can't for the next few days. I now have Sam McGredy's mostly handwritten records but it does take a lot of searching and the eyes aren't too happy lately. Hopefully I will get back to you with more news on 'Hotel Royal'.
Reply #7 of 7 posted 7 APR 16 by Michael Garhart
Patricia, Origin Hunter Extraordinaire, lol.
Discussion id : 91-952
most recent 6 APR 16 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 6 APR 16 by Nastarana
There is a description of 'Grand Hotel' in Climbing Roses of the World, by Charles Quest-Ritson (Portland, Cambridge, 2003), that is, Timber Press.

The description is on page 271. Quest-Ritson calls it "very hardy", and it seems to be growing in Moscow, so perhaps the zone can be changed to 5.

It might be a good choice for Northern state gardeners if only it were still available in North America.
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