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'MACtel' rose References
Website/Catalog  (14 Dec 2014)  
Name: 'Mactel'
Synonyms: Hotel Royal®, 'Mactel'
ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Grand Hotel®
Photo: Capt Eddy Krause LCl, mr, 1972, McGredy, Sam IV; flowers scarlet, darker at petal tips, 4 in., dbl., high-centered, borne singly or in small clusters; repeat bloom; foliage dark green, glossy. Awards: ADR, 1977
Booklet  (2008)  
An Information List of all Varieties. p5
1972. Grand Hotel - Mactel. Nicknamed Tipperary.
Book  (2005)  
p81. Dublin Bay (MACdub, 'Grandhotel', not 'Grand Hotel'. LCl. mr. McGredy 1975. Int. 1974.

p106. 'Grand Hotel' (MACtel, 'Hotel "Royal', not 'Grandhotel'). LCl. mr. McGredy 1972.
Website/Catalog  (15 Nov 2000)  Page(s) 20-21.  Includes photo(s).
Grandhotel® Züchter/Breeder: Sam McGredy, 1975.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 344.  
'MACtel', LCl, mr, 1972, (Grand Hotel, Grandhotel), McGredy, Sam IV, ... no parentage reported
Website/Catalog  (31 Dec 1998)  Page(s) 20.  Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog  (23 Oct 1998)  Page(s) 29.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (Sep 1993)  Page(s) 204.  Includes photo(s).
Grand Hotel Large-flowered Climber. Parentage: 'Schlössers Brilliant' [aka 'Detroiter'] x 'Heidelberg' (same parentage as 'Uncle Walter'). Sam McGredy 1972. Description... large, brilliantly red and shapely... susceptible to black spot...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 224.  
Grand Hotel® Large-flowered Climber, medium red, 1972, (MACtel; 'Grandhotel'); McGredy. Description.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 204.  Includes photo(s).
'Grand Hotel'. Large-Flowered Climber. So mixed is the parentage of Modern Garden Roses that the results of a particular cross can be difficult to predict. Sam McGredy, seeking the huge, fire-red flowers of 'Schlossers Brilliant' on a sturdier plant crossed it with the Modern shrub Rose 'Heidelberg' and got 'Uncle Walter' in 1963. It was so vigorous that it was reclassified as a Modern Shrub - and as the plant matured the flowers shrank to middling size. Try again, thought Sam, and in 1972, the same cross produced 'Grand Hotel'. The flowers are what was hoped for - large, brilliantly red and shapely. But this time the plant is an out-and-out climber. Grow it for exhibition; it repeats quite well. Foliage is dark green and susceptible to black spot. 'Schlossers Brilliant' x 'Heidelberg'. Repeat flowering.
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